

New Changes

Finally back on this... changed up my layout and such. I will not be lazy with it this time. I'll be paying more attention to this blog as well as my tumblr and food blog. This one's a bit more personal though. I need to get myself more organized with everything.


Sincere Relationships: Pet Peeves

"They only take what they can get before they snuff you, mother should've told you..."

I really dislike the fact that it took disappointment to push me to post a blog. I usually like to spread positivity on this blog but right now I just want to do a quick rant since I do not want to pollute my twitter with blasts and subliminal messages(this applies to too many for tagging purposes). This just might hurt some people's feelings. At this point it needs to be said.
  • PET PEEVE #1: I cannot stand one-sided friendships/relationships. For example, when people that you haven't spoken to in days decided to contact you like, "Hey how are you? Can you do me a biiiiig favor????" It's like damn you could've at least broke out the lube before attempting to screw me over. Of course I refuse to let this happen to me anymore but it's happening to someone close to me and it frustrates me that it gets played in to.
  • PET PEEVE #2: When a "friend" texts you and asked a random but personal question without so much as a greeting. "Did you get _______ already?" It took two more messages to actually get a "Hey, how are you?" Pathetic.
  • PET PEEVE #3: When people hide something from you because it's "protecting your feelings" in my opinion hiding things is much worse than just coming out an saying it because it's called being sneaky. You're only trying to protect yourself from getting reacted on.
  • PET PEEVE #4: When people try to state what they won't do but have "exceptions" because they plan on doing those "exceptions" in the near future. NO BUDDY! YOU ARE NOT EXEMPT! It still counts as being apart of what you say you won't do. Very contradicting.
  • PET PEEVE #5: When "friends" cannot utilize their resources. Oh you can have Tom, Dick, and Harry over your place for dinner and drinks but you can't ask them for favors. But instead, poor Joe down the street gets to do EVERYTHING for you at your beck and call. And the fact that Joe does these favors only continues the behavior. You were doing so good Joe! Damn!
  • PET PEEVE #6: Sucking up when it's convenient and those who allow it to happen because it's all they have going on for them. It you know someone has done you wrong, why continue to mess with them. And when they suck up to you at those random and suspicious times, does it make you feel better about yourself? It's time to reevaluate the relationships you keep and the reason why your keep them.
  • PET PEEVE #7: Now this one's personal. Feeling "stuck". The situation is not what I want but it is being tolerated by both parties. My feelings are tied deep but I feel like in a way I'm being led on. I want more again but I don't know when that will ever happen again. I just feel so topsy-turvy about it all. The answer will come soon, I just know it.
I've been trying to keep to myself lately but these past couple of weeks I have been displayed nothing but fakes, lollies, and facades that people use to cover up the ugly truth. To be frank, I am very sick of the buffoonery and the people that are currently displaying it. I've been through situations that have involved ALL of the items listed above and I refuse to allow them to intrude upon my well-being and peace of mind anymore. I've been disappointed in myself for even letting things irk me but it's all apart of letting go of those things and growing up. Some thing/people/situations I need to just rid in its entirety because I'm tired of the bullpucky. I can't expect everyone to do this too but it is highly suggested.

Stay blessed my people.

This song pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now:


Aiming for a more positve outlook!

I truly aim to be...

I've emerged from my emotional cave with feeling more at ease than before. Things don't get to me like they used to and I'm loving how things are falling into place. I am jumping on the opportunity to utilize this time to work on myself mentally and physically. I need to get back in shape and get my mindset back on the right track fully. Not making any resolutions because I made my plans back in the season of planting and am currently in the process of clearing which is coming so easy to me with the solitude of Winter break happening. Clearing out negative influences, people, and malicious thoughts that would hinder me from reaching these goals. I'm on the come-up I tell you, it's that easy.

Many blessings of peace and love,

Miss Sincere


Continuing Ventures and the Balancing Effect

Winter break is halfway done and I can seriously say that I am at peace.

I finally finished my 100 new movies in 2009 hobby goal and since I hit that mark I can't help but continue. I'm currently watching Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love, one that was recommended by a friend of mine. Movies like these entice certain thoughts. I want to get more in touch with my more spiritual side and be more in tune with my body and such. My brain is a sponge and I am wanting to know more and be more knowledgeable on what makes me tick and keeps me content.

It's crazy trying to balance the two lifestyles and keep my eyes on my ultimate goals. On one end the spectrum I have constant meetings and the pressure of engineering classes and conferences and on the other end I want to make more time for mediation and get more in touch with my spirituality and make time for bible study and such. I know that somehow and by some way I will be able to balance the two

Time for me to get started on this five year plan and work on another visions board. I have big plans for myself. I always allow for some surprises and unfortunate events that may come my way. Eventually I'll put some more pep in my blog.


Allow me to introduce myself...

Hello kind folk, my name is Janessa. I will be using this place as a creative outlet because I get bored with other sites too easily.

A few little tidbits about myself:

  • I am a college senior majoring in Architectural Engineering.
  • I was born in the late eighties but I am not on that "eighties baby" bull... the only thing I love about the eighties is the music.
  • I love to indulge in culinary arts; I cook for friends all the time
  • I wear my hair natural because I wanted people to see the au naturale side of me. Plus there's only but so much you can do with relaxed hair.
  • I dabble in the vegetarian lifestyle because it's calling my name I swear. For now I am a "flexitarian".
  • I am a movie enthusiast and an avid reader, there' so much to be seen.
  • I cannot stand the internet but utilize it mainly because my friends and associates choose to live and display themselves on sites such as facebook, twitter, etc. and talking to them up here comes easier to them than texting or a simple phone call... sad but true.
Hopefully I will not bore any readers up here. That is all for now.

Janessa M. Smith